Canonizations ...the first hours

Having landed only a couple of hours earlier, I meandered through Rome and came upon a large fortress.
It was the wall of Vatican City.
I made my along the wall and followed in at the tail end of some tour group.  I then made my way through the columns and stood in the faint drizzle of rain...

There I stood...embraced by an edifice of Faith and Tradition.

I felt my heart.
I was lonely...
maybe even a little 'lost'
Sure my journey of faith had me come home...the 'Lost Shepherd' after a few years had returned...somewhere in this place was my story...

But the overwhelming feeling that I had was that I simply missed my wife and son...and didn't belong here without them.

For a while I just walked in the midst of the thousands of people.
Finally I sat on a step and uttered a familiar prayer that first came to my lips back in 2005 outside St. James in Medujgorje asking for Pope John Paul's intercession, "pray for me....pray for my wife....pray for our son."

I turned and headed back to the religious house where I was staying...Mary Queen of it all it all seems so spiritually logical.  
Of course I stopped for some gelato...

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