
A subway, a train and a bus....and I ended up in Assisi.  For years I have heard, "You will love it there.  It is so quiet and peaceful."


Well, talking to a shop owner today...he said the crowds reminded him of when Pope Francis came through.  I learned that this is not the time to come to Rome or Assisi!

I still prayed.  I knelt in a little stone church built by the hands of St Francis.  It sat within the Basilica.  It was good to pray in a place where a saint communed with the Almighty.
I walked the hills and grasses, the cobblestones, and the stairs.  I prayed before the famed Crucifix and walked on the spot where Francis returned his belongings to his father.  Of course Our Lady of Medjugorje was present throughout the town...from posters to pendants.

It is all so very connected.   I would write more, and I will.... however I must ready for another day of pilgrimage.  This time to a place my lovely wife reminded me of...Collevalenza...there is a history here and it is connected in my life with Medjugorje.  I will reflect and share more upon my return if I don't screw up my transportation.

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