Canonization of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII

Truly the story of A Lost Shepherd continues...
As Providence has it, I will be traveling and staying in Vatican City for the canonization of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII.
For those who have read the story, John Paul II figures largely in my return to the Roman Catholic Church.

Together with Our Lady of Medujgorje they guided our return.

It was on the night he died that I happened to be outside St. James Church in Medujgorje.  On that very night I was brought to my knees and uttered a prayer--a prayer from an ex-communicated ex-priest.
"John Paul,
pray for me.
pray for my wife.
pray for our son..."

(the rest is in the book)

So, an old friend offered the possibility of my traveling and staying with him.

At the urging of my lovely wife (I didn't want to go, the older I get the more of a hermit I have become), I said yes.

Of course I will carry intentions with me, one of which is for the 'lost'.

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