Early Thoughts on A Lost Shepherd

Mike, Finished reading:A Lost Shepherd....could not put it down...received it on Saturday and finished it in the wee hours of Sunday morning. God bless you and your family. On another note, my friend from church and I will be walking the Camino Santiago in August..please keep us in your prayers. Dionysius

"...And yesterday I came across another kind of witness to the grace and mercy of God.  It is a book entitled "A Lost Shepherd" An ex-priest's Journey from Sin to Salvation by Michael Ripple...I'll let the comments from the cover by Father Larry Richards speak for the book. "Come and walk with a man on his journey from faith, to sin, to redemption.  It is the story of the power of grace and the love of our Father and how he calls each of us home no matter how far we might have strayed.  Read this book and believe in Christ's mercy and redemption and you will be touched!"  The book is published by New Hope Press.

     I give Mike great credit.  I can't imagine writing about my life in such detail.  It takes courage and since God is given the glory and his Mother, Mary, the acknowledgement of guidance, it, too, gives witness to Faith."--Rev. Len Stoviak

Your book made me cry.
The Holy Deacon

Hi Michael, just finished your book and really enjoyed it. It took great courage to open yourself up and reveal so much about your journey. It was an easy read and I really couldn't put it down. It also brought Medjugorge up close and I can't wait to be there. God is so good. Thank you for sharing your story. Sue 

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