Book Release

It's getting close.  Here are a few notes on what's going on.

First, New Hope Press Publishing has been the best.  From start to finish I knew this was a labor of prayer for them.

As I write this entry-- the final edition is about to be completed and then soon to the printer.  The book cover is nearing the final layout and copies of the manuscript have been sent to a few friends.
I am honored to have Beverly Donofrio, Fr. Larry Richards, and Wayne Weible lend their words to the work.

Upon it's release I will be in Dunkirk, NY at The Book Nook for a signing.
Wayne Weible was in Dunkirk a couple of weeks ago and, as the Virgin Mary has it, introduced me to the Donovans.  The rest is yet to be written.

Soon I will have a direct link up for retail orders.

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