The Last Day in Italy---an observation

Though I have been home for a few days (attempting to track lost luggage), I have one scene which recurs and I find it somewhat humorous.
Those of you who know me are aware of my sensitivity to clericalism and the many masked forms it takes.
Well, here is how it happened.

I was shopping at the religious goods store at the Vatican (Savelli).  Two ladies who worked there were interested in helping me--it went something like this (add appropriate accents)...

"Yes, may I assist you?"
I kept looking at the fine jewelry in the case, "Yes, thanks I am looking for some earrings for my wife."
"Oh, how nice.  They are over here."  She walked to different counter where another store employee, a lady was standing.  In Italian she shared with the second lady that I was looking for some earrings for my wife--to which the lady smiled and said, "Yes, that is so nice.  I can help you, just a minute please."
I stood by the counter while she finished waiting on her customer--another man.  The man was impatient and wanted to conduct his purchase at the counter. To which the lady said "No, all transactions are over there." (she pointed to the cash register and of course a line of about 2 or 3 people.
The man replied loud enough for everyone to hear, "I cannot wait.  I have an audience with the Holy Father."
The lady remained patient but her voice and expression changed.  "I am sorry Father, but you will have to wait in line just like everybody else."
He turned in a huff, his pectoral cross swinging...

Yep, true story.

(By the way my wife loved the earrings).

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