
Showing posts from May, 2014

The Last Day in Italy---an observation

Though I have been home for a few days (attempting to track lost luggage), I have one scene which recurs and I find it somewhat humorous. Those of you who know me are aware of my sensitivity to clericalism and the many masked forms it takes. Well, here is how it happened. I was shopping at the religious goods store at the Vatican (Savelli).  Two ladies who worked there were interested in helping me--it went something like this (add appropriate accents)... "Yes, may I assist you?" I kept looking at the fine jewelry in the case, "Yes, thanks I am looking for some earrings for my wife." "Oh, how nice.  They are over here."  She walked to different counter where another store employee, a lady was standing.  In Italian she shared with the second lady that I was looking for some earrings for my wife--to which the lady smiled and said, "Yes, that is so nice.  I can help you, just a minute please." I stood by the counter while she finished waiti...